Monday, February 16, 2009

The Chronical of Higher Education News Blog

The Chronicle of Higher Education News Blog posted an article about how John Hopkins University is dealing with today's economy. They are freezing hiring and salary increases AS WELL as cutting top administrators' pay by five percent! It is interesting in today's economy to see how higher education is dealing with the effects of the economy as many have started to dip into endowment funds. John Hopkins is taking the measures listed above after seeing a twenty percent loss to their own endowment and also to "to preserve the excellence of Johns Hopkins in teaching, research, and patient care, and to address, to the extent that resources allow, changing financial circumstances of returning students."

I would be interested to know how the top administrators (president, vice presidents, and divisional deans and directors) feel about their pay cut and to what extent the measures taken will go to student aid...

1 comment:

  1. Shannon,
    It would certainly be interesting to read an article about their reactions to these cuts. If you find one, let us know.
    Dr. Burgos
